Films & Directors


Spielfilm, AT 2008, 24 min., OmeU

Thursday 19.03.
23:00, Schubertkino 1

Friday 20.03.
18:30, Schubertkino 2

Regie: Bo Chen
Script: Bo Chen
Camera: Benjamin Klein, Bo Chen
Editor: Natalie Schwager
Sound: Gailute Miksyte, Hjalti Bager-Jonathansson
Cast: Petra Morzé, Georg Friedrich, Christian Zagler, Katrin Rohrbacher, Maria Hofstätter, Ulrike Hein, Karl Halasz
Producer: Esther Hassfurther
Production: Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Abtlg. Film und Fernsehen

Two stories, two different styles. First, a hot dog stand beneath a railway bridge. The end of a relationship. In an almost floating sequence shot, the camera glides towards the couple; then an abrupt cut. A fast-cut sequence broken up by static images: a young man regrets ending his relationship with his girlfriend, and buys a dog to soothe his pain.