Films & Directors

Schlimmer geht's nimmer

Spielfilm, AT 2008, 81 min.

Thursday 19.03.
14:30, UCI Annenhof Saal 8

Saturday 21.03.
23:00, Rechbauer

Regie: David Unger
Script: David Unger
Camera: Manuel Wenger
Editor: Jürgen Ludwig
Sound: Marc Wiechmann
Sounddesign: Rupert Metnitzer
Music: Rupert Metnitzer
Props: Christian Dohr, Matthias Faustmann
Costumes: Monika Wallner
Cast: Patrick Jahns, Philipp Stix, Verena Leitner, Mick Blue, Diana Doll, Monica Sweetheart, Olaf Krätke, Claudia Neidig, Raimund Knoll,Thomas Nash, Julie Henkel, Annete Maria Galler, Verena Buratti, Martin Friessnegg, Norbert Bauschatz
Producer: David Unger
Production: David Unger Filmproduktion

Michael is shy and suffers from a phobia of kissing. When his conservative parents go on a trip, he sees his chance to shoot a love story and, as an up-and-coming young director, catch the eye of his secret love, Laura. Because of the interference of his dodgy young friend, Bobby, the project turns into an amateur porn movie with real stars of the genre – chaos is inevitable, particularly when Michael's parents return earlier than expected from their holiday.